
Friday 8 April 2022


Men require more Zinc than women and women require more Iron than men, especially during and after menopause. During a research project for a female friend on fibroids, I discovered that women require nearly two thirds more iron during and after menopause. 

Women have to be very careful taking a Zinc supplement, I tried it a couple of years ago and within 24 hours of taking a small amount I began having neurological breast pains. I immediately stopped taking the zinc and within 24-48 hours the pains stopped. It was definitely the zinc that was causing the health issue. 

This video is for our food growers and gardeners and those of you that are really into nutrition and the foods that can provide it. The vid is from Project Diaries, a great young man that likes to grow has much has he is able. It is on the 31 Zinc foods to boost your immune system. 

What are you growing this year? I'm going to grow some microgreens indoors, also some dill and coriander indoors. I found that Dill and Coriander didn't like our English climate when I tried to grow it outdoors, so going to give it a go indoors this year. 

I really like Dill and Coriander, the herbs I buy the most. I like all of the herbs and their nutrients, its wonderful to have your own herb garden. I have Thyme, Rosemary, Oregano, Tarragon and Chives that grow lovely in their containers outside in the garden. I also have a bay leaf and it is getting quite big. I bought the bay leaf the first year I began gardening in 2016, gardening is great for your health and it has been so much fun finding out what was easy to grow and what wasn't in our climate and or containers. 

This is a picture of my herb garden in 2017, you can see the herbs growing with celery and Greek Basil that loves the summer time. 

Although with Thyme it is best to start again once the plant is 4 years old, due to it starting to lose its flavour when it is 4 years old. I found it was easy to take cuttings from the Thyme, Rosemary, Greek Basil and Oregano. 

I'm thinking about making an almond cake today with a creamy lime topping. I do like ground almond, it is great for health.  

I have some citrus trees indoors and they were fruiting when I bought them in 2021. I kept them inside all winter and they have survived, they like the central heating. I will probably continue to keep them indoors unless we have some very hot weather that they can enjoy. 

Here's hoping with great intention that all of our gardeners and farmers have a wonderful 2022 season. I know how excited some of our friends get when the growing season and Spring season arrives. 

Enjoy what you can, when you can, remembering that the present is a gift of life. This is my adorable companion at this phase of my life. He is a great blessing in my life and he likes his botanicals. He likes to eat raw carrots, broccoli and celery, celery is great for his adrenals. Has scripture says, "the dog licked it" and there is great meaning found in the word! He loves to love like his namesake and has Jesus said "it is more blessed to give than to receive". 

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