
Friday 8 April 2022


English financial consultant, Neil McCoy Ward shares his view of the current circumstances and what he calls a state of emergency. He mentions the fertiliser issues for growing food. 

Although clean urine can be used has a fertiliser. Clean urine means, urine without any pharmaceuticals in it, and definitely no nanotechnology mRNA serums. 

Neil mentions the diesel shortage in the UK and asks whether we are seeing any shortages where we are. There wasn't any diesel at the local Co-Op petrol station this week when I passed by. I also noticed that petrol had increased in price again since the previous week. This week it was £1.60 a litre. So much for Rishi and cutting the price of petrol, it went down and then back up again. 

My view is that the increase in energy costs are going to put a lot of small to medium sized companies out of business. Not only do they have increases in rates and energy, they also have the N.I. hike to contend with too. 

It has all the signs of a massive recession in the UK and agriculture will be facing its own cuts too. Jeremy Clarkson was chatting about that situation, although he has come up with some great ideas to turn his farm around. He is going for a certain market that can afford the higher priced products. 

The rich and well-off don't suffer in a recession, its the poor that are made poorer and the middle class that feel the real impact of it. I remember the 80/90s recession and the harm it caused to so many families, relationships and businesses. 

The banks were on an asset stripping strategy and you can be sure that when interest rates increase that will happen again with people having negative equity in their properties due to over mortgaging themselves. I was reading the other day that it is cheaper to rent than purchase. 

Neil mentions Blackrock too, talking about food shortages. I would include that Blackrock have shares in Tesla and Twitter. Has such, Elon Musk increased the stock share price for Twitter at the same time has him setting himself up has an opponent to President Putin. Elon Musk is another globalist, they are all in the same club. 

Serbia says they've been blackmailed to vote against Russia at the UN, that means other countries have been blackmailed too with sanctions if they don't jump when the globalists say jump. It really is Putin -v- N.W.O. WEF globalists. Although Putin does have a lot of support, far more than most of the general public know about.

Another update on Ukraine -v- Russia, from Alex in Athens 

This is brilliant, Irish MEP, Clare Daly calling out the EU on their actions taken against Russia that is escalating the war instead of negotiating peace and being peacemakers. I totally agree with her. 

Is it too much to ask that Zelenskyy's government implements the Minsk agreement that was approved by the UN? Is it too much to ask for Nato to back off of Russia's borders? Is it too much to ask for America and the EU to back off completely and stop supporting the Ukrainian government that has been murdering Ukrainian civilians for eight years? 

More from Irish MEP, Clare Daly. Calling out the EU for their "hypocrisy". 

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