
Saturday 13 November 2021

LUNAR ECLIPSE - THE REFORMER 18/19 November 2021

The Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse on the 18/19 November, 2021 depending where you are in the world. The 18th of November is the "Day of Temperament", the 19th of November is the "Day of Reformer" so you might like to think about what is being reformed in your life, is your temperament being reformed? 

Are you reforming anything in your life, are you reforming your home, home life, career and work life, and/or relationships? Taurus is an earth sign, hence, home life is very important, structure and stability is important to the bull. 

The Temperance card in the tarot is in the major arcane, the spiritual, celestial angelic being, a water carrier with the vase of water, one foot in the water and one foot on the land. 

I'm experiencing having to drink a lot more water at this time and I'm looking forward to having some sauna-steamers. Thinking about booking a therapeutic massage for this Lunar Eclipse and feeling the urge to paint. I had a lovely dream of the godly healers prior to this Lunar Eclipse. 

Godly Healers Dream

My puppy will be taking his 3rd and final medication from the vet on this lunar eclipse, the doc recommended some anti-biotic's for yours truly for what the doc thinks is a urinal tract infection. However, when I arrived home, the package didn't include them from the pharmacy. 

My little Aries companion. He tore up the moon card this week, I thought that was relevant, has it has two dogs on the card. 

How is it for you on a personal level will depend where this partial lunar eclipse comes in your chart. I have Taurus in my 4th and 5th Houses, hence, it is bound to be close to home for yours truly. I've booked a therapeutic massage for the 18th, day of temperament. 

A friend and I both have the same, planets in most of the same houses, twin flames we are, we both love horses and dogs. Hence a powerful knowing connection, always in my heart forevermore. 

I also have Scorpio in the 11th House, midheaven, and Saturn in Scorpio. 

Roland Legrand shares his view of this reforming partial Lunar Eclipse. 

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