
Sunday 14 November 2021


This article is about the BIRD Group coming under increasing censorship. BIRD stands for the British Ivermectin Research Development group. The group has been censored on Linkedin around ivermectin. In July, W.H.O. deleted information on its website saying ivermectin is safe and on the 1st of October Twitter suspended BIRD's account. 

Linkedin don't like the truth being shared on their platform, I was also censored and banned on Linkedin earlier in the year over the injections. 

The article also shared that there was an International Ivermectin Covid Conferene (IICC) hosted by BIRD on 24-25 April, 2021 and World Ivermectin Day was held on the 24th July, 2021. 

Youtube intervened in the broadcasting of World Ivermectin Day to reduce the promotion of it. The article states that censorship is actually a form of "disinformation", which is defined as "information given to hide the actual truth".

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