
Sunday 5 September 2021

NEW MOON IN VIRGO 6/7 September 2021

In the UK, the New Moon in Virgo comes on the 7th of September, 2021. 

The 6th is the "Day of Fate", and the 7th is the "Day of Success".  

My 9th house is in Virgo, this placement can indicate the writer/researcher. Hence this placement supported my various careers and explains why accuracy was so important to yours truly in my professional life.  I have written professionally during my life and I have written about health, products and services. Pragmatic, analytical, being on point being essential for targeting the bullseye directly.

What will it mean for you on a personal level? Concentrate on that which is rational, reliable, right, and true. Stay focussed on the opportunities before you. Be ready, prepared for doors opening before you, success can be viewed in different ways and some are far more enjoyable than others. 

Remember life is for living and lockdowns are "illegal" in international law. 

Rik has also provided a video on this New Moon in Virgo. 


  1. While sitting on my sofa with my puppy reading. I began to see numerous floating energetic hearts in a translucent minty green surround before my eyes.

  2. The hearts were in front of the window and curtains on the night of the 5th of September, 2021.
