
Monday 6 September 2021


Every healthcare worker that took the Covid 19 injections are now contaminated doctors, nurses, care workers and office staff. Those that refused the Nanotechnology mRNA are talking about walking out of the hospitals and surgeries. In Toronto, Canada, has many has 3,000 are planning to walk out. 

In the latest PHE report it reveals the injected account for 70% of the Covid-19 fatalities since February.

Whistleblowers working in hospitals have also shared that the hospital beds are full of jabbed people. 

So with so many contaminated doctors and nurses, and people led to their own slaughter due to the spike proteins and graphene oxide in the injections. What can people do to receive uncontaminated healthcare? 

I'm working on it because I am not taking the risk of a contaminated doctor, nurse or health care worker touching my body. 

Our lawyers have called it out for what the injection regime manifests, it is deemed to be genocide due to the sheer numbers of people that have died in many countries. On this link, a lawyer serves notice on an injection centre and reads the law to the police. She also reminded the police that they are not upholding their oath to protect the people that pay their wages in our taxes.

The interview with the lawyer is on this link. Anna comes on at 22 mins in.

What did Jesus the healer say? "anyone that loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them". John 14:23 

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