
Tuesday 6 July 2021


My view is that children should never be allowed to own a mobile phone, although I can see the advantages of parents knowing where their children are at all times. 

Education is planning to ban mobile phones in the UK due to the serious "addiction" children have with the phones. The ban is planned to start in January 2022. 

In Israel, Wifi in schools is also banned and the last time I looked Russia was also planning to ban it.  

Remember that a child's brain hasn't fully developed until the age of 25 and modern technology can and does have an adverse impact upon their brains. Then there is the social media interactions that can have a serious impact upon their sanity. In South Korea scientists found that children were suffering from "cyber dementia", due to their use of mobile phones. 

Brain cancer has also been at its highest in children, with some even being born with it. That was unheard of when I was a child so just goes to show the serious adverse impact that new technology has had on children. Whilst in a GP surgery a former nurse had her baby on her lap with an iPad in front of the baby watching cartoons, I was shocked that the nurse was uninformed on the damage that she was doing to her own child. 

How little research people engage in. W.H.O say that babies and toddlers shouldn't be allowed any television screen time either prior to age three. Then at age three only allow them one hour of television per day. Studies found that babies that sit in front of too much television have developmental difficulties too. Large screen TV's give off radiation. 

Mobile phones should carry a serious health warning, not only for children but for adults too. 

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