
Monday 5 July 2021


Daily Mail say that Kate, Duchess of Cambridge has taken both injections and has been alerted to self-isolate for ten days even after 4 negative PCR tests. 

1. Why on earth did Kate take the injections into her body putting the monarchy at risk of serious adverse reactions? Didn't William and Kate carry out their own research into the dangers of the Nanotechnology mRNA jabs? 

What about their courtiers and those advising the family, didn't they do any research either on the high fatality rates of the injections? What about secret services and the protection squad, didn't they do any of their own research into the experimental injections that are in breach of the Nuremberg Codes? 

The latest report from the Yellow Card Scheme provided by MHRA showed that 1 in every 43 people are having adverse reactions. 

2. It is scientifically proven that wearing masks have an adverse impact on health, we've had that research since 2016. We also know from 1919, that mask wearing didn't stop the 1919 pandemic. Although it is scientifically proven that there is no pandemic. 

3. PCR tests being used in the UK have been banned by the FDA in America, people were told to put those PCR tests in the bin. 

Honestly, you'd think the British monarchy would have a lot more common sense than to believe anything that the politicians say to the people.

This nurse, qualified has a nurse lecturer, shares with you that "the UK Government is Guilty of Covid Genocide".

Most of the time the monarchy don't even use the NHS, but Boris decided it should be given the George Cross. The British monarchy have private healthcare.

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