
Wednesday 28 July 2021


The first dream this morning was about people trespassing on private property.

Then the second dream of the day included a former close friend and she was telling people to get the vax and to not listen to yours truly who had guided people not to take the "poisonous" Nanotechnology mRNA.  It felt like I was observing what she was saying from a distance. Overseer of souls. 

The testimony of warning was given to help preserve those that have the ears to hear, the eyes to see and the heart to comprehend. However, people have to be willing to do their own research after the warnings were given. Also to enable people to do their own research, people have to know where to look for it, they won't find the truth on their usual television channels that they sit in front of. That is why I wrote a compilation of facts article giving people the links to the websites.  

One of the reasons that I got rid of my television in 1998 and never looked back to getting a television again. When a person has been brainwashed by television and MSM, it is very difficult to get them to shift their consciousness due to what has been put upon their plate of consciousness. When we had a television I only watched films and documentaries anyway. 

Taking the Nanotechnology mRNA into their bodies, is a life long decision that will impact upon their bodies. This week I was reading that 18-24 year olds are refusing appointments with GPs and has such the GPs are sending the serums back. In America, 15 million people that took the first injection, are refusing to take the 2nd injection due to the adverse reactions that now run into the millions. 

Anyway, let's have a song from Whitney Houston, first time I've heard this song and it touched my heart. It was released in 1998. 

In dream interpretation, to dream of a distant friend is generally a forerunner to unexpected news, good or sad, depending on whether they are in trouble in the dream. Anyone that took the injections into their bodies are in trouble health wise.  Anything that is "unnatural", causes trouble for the body in some shape or form and nanotechnology mRNA gene therapy is definitely "unnatural'. 

Biblically, the word PHARMAKEIA from an origin that means "to administer drugs", Greek Strong's 5331.

I rarely take any medicine at all, 99.9% of the time I treat my own body naturally, holistically and I intend to bring up my puppy has holistically has I can too. I've even put him on a raw food diet and he is enjoying it very much, he loves to be with this healer and he is a lovely companion. He was very socialised prior to collecting him and bringing him home. He is four months old and a major part of my life now, our friendship and love for each other grows daily. 

21st July, 2021 

People and medics say that I look younger and healthy for my age, is that because I don't take pharmaceutical's or any recreational drugs? Is it because I have looked after my body has holistic has I could during my life? I do have some health conditions but the medics say it is my age, although I am assured that my organs are all in order. I'm bodily intuitive and I listen to my body and its sounds. 

Wisdom with insight wouldn't touch a flu jab, or Covid jab with a barge pole. I'm certainly pleased that I became a professional healer in the 90s, it has been my saving grace with the power of its love. 

Once you step on the path of healing there is no going back to the previous way of being and sometimes that means leaving friends behind, if and when they refuse to shift, move and elevate with you. Healing brings the rising of consciousness and with it a greater power of love. Jesus chose his closest companions for our integrity, for it is integrity that is essential for life to exist on this planet. 

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