
Thursday 10 June 2021


I've received two dreams this week, but the dream about the Sofa Bed is relevant to what happened yesterday.

After visiting a health centre for a sun bed, I went to buy some salmon and salad for dinner. When I arrived a young mum said hello to me and then she removed her mask so that I could recognise her. 

She asked how I was getting on and I replied, "Hopefully, I will be moving soon" and she said that she was very pleased to hear it. 

Then has I was leaving the car park I saw a large van being driven and it had the brand name of the manufacturer that I bought the Chesterfield sofa bed from. I'd already received the message "Move Closer", and the move is certainly getting a lot closer than it was. 

Then Rebecca Ferguson had uploaded her song, "To good to lose".


A lovely song for this solar eclipse, hope you can find some joy today.  I had an appointment today and then a visit to the bank in town. Now I have to do the transaction over the phone. 

I then went for lunch and more wonderful synchronicity. In the wine bar a lady that has worked internationally, spiritually, was also having lunch in the wine bar. We used to tour on the same circuit together and give readings to each other.  She is in her mid 80s now and looks amazingly awesome and healthy.  It was lovely to see her and I told her that "I'm glad to see you are still on the planet with us", and she replied, "So am I'. Big smiles. 

I was obviously meant to see another spiritual friend today, it wasn't about going into town to go to the bank after all. Let's have a smile song for this eclipse and keep smiling. The last time we had one of these eclipses in this series was in 2003. The year of the harmonic concordance when spiritual people united around the world. It fulfilled biblical prophecy and the planets formed the Star of David. 

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