
Thursday 10 June 2021


On the eve of the annular solar eclipse I woke up from dreamtime after a nightmare about people that I recognised trying to force me to have a PCR test. I really let rip at those people. There was no way that they were going to put a PCR test up my nose. Zion defends and I certainly protect my body, my temple has much has is humanely possible. 

"For the LORD has chosen Zion, he has desired it for his dwelling, saying "This is my resting place for ever and ever; here I will sit enthroned, for I have desired it. I will bless her with abundant provisions, her poor I will satisfy with food. I will clothe her priests with salvation and her faithful people will ever sing for joy". Psalm 132:13-16. 

If you have an argument in a dream it can be a dream of contrary and it can be a lucky dream, yea lucky that I didn't take the PCR test. Big smiles. People taking the PCR tests made impulsive decisions in very important matters. In dream interpretation it warns that people must think carefully before they act and don't do anything on impulse.  

This is a great article on the PCR test written by the former Vice President of Pfizer, Dr Mike Yeadon.

You don't require a PCR test to enter Spain. 

In Italy, doctors tested a Kiwi and it was positive. LOL! 

This is the second nightmare that I have received within days of each other and it is the solar eclipse on the 10th of June, 2021.

I also received the message "Move Closer", hence a move is certainly about to happen. 

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