
Wednesday 2 June 2021


A message from May after prayer. "Patience, just a little longer, love".

A neighbour, Michael and his baby moved after that message was received in May. 

George always said that he would help Michael and there was an amazing transformation. 

The night before we went to see his new location George appeared with a group of friends and he was chattering away, smiling at me.  George liked horses and the new location is close to horses in nature. Nature, nurture and the environment in which they live is so important for children. 

I loved spending some of my childhood swanning around in the Kent countryside, talking to Spirit and the animals. I could walk for hours. Just being in nature and being close to the horses. 

My dad put me on donkeys and ponies at a very young age, I was fearless. I was a climber like Michael's baby, I would climb up and down my dad's body and he taught me to do somersaults. I really liked gymnastics too, I was very tiny for my age and agile. 

On the 2nd of June, Venus moved into Cancer the Crab, George's star sign, the same as Diana's and her son William. This Venus transit will last until June 27th. Hence the previous message to "Nurture", Venus is nurturing, protective, self-protective, cautious and fertile. Sensitivity is increased. The crab is tender, devoted, dedicated and romantic. [1]


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