
Wednesday 30 June 2021


We have Nanotechnology mRNA injections killing people and the lockdowns are killing people the research conveys. This report is from Australia, the research included the death rates before and after lockdown in 50 US states and 43 different countries around the world. It was found that "deaths are greater after lockdowns are introduced than before". 

Interesting that my puppy chose to poop outside the local funeral parlour yesterday. That was a message. What else has happened? Smart Meters, last week I received a letter from the water board that they'd installed a smart meter without my consent. 

Hence, I've found a liability notice on-line that people can send to the energy companies. With more people spending more time indoors it is clear that smart meters are having a greater impact upon the bodies of people, especially in America that have installed the most. 

Some people are told by call centres that Smart meters are cheaper when in fact they are far more expensive. Then you have the health risks on top of the cost of it. 

I say no lockdowns, no Smart meters. Lockdowns are illegal in international law.

Only what is natural is beautiful, I also say no to botox, no to putting silicone inside your bodies ladies. 

No to Nanotechnology mRNA and it's artificial spike proteins, don't be a guinea pig for the major corporations.  There has been a recent case in America, a healthy 12 year old took part in the Pfizer injection trial. She is now sitting in a wheelchair and doctors don't know what has happened to her body, although they know that the Pfizer injection was the cause of it. 

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