
Wednesday 30 June 2021


England fans have certainly been patient for the last 55 years, finally Germany is knocked out of a major tournament by the England team at Wembly. Our country is delighted and jubilant. Congratulations everyone. 

Now the ENGLAND team prepare for Rome on Saturday, and their meet with the team from Ukraine. British fans can't go due to a five day quarantine, although 1.2M ex-pats live in Italy, so there is plenty of support in Italy. 

A deserved win England, congratulations. An historic match for our country, and lovely that young Prince George age 7 was present to watch his first major match with an England team win. 

Prince William and his stunning wife were also in attendance for the celebration with 45,000 England supporters at Wembly. Great joy across the land and it was wonderful to see so many people united.

I had a dream of an Italian recently, and the Italians like the Brits love their football. The dream indicated that there would be unexpected news. There certainly was unexpected news with England beating Germany at Wembly and now England is going to Rome this Saturday for a match against Ukraine.

Jack has the England flag flying in this music video. Italy is a beautiful country. My first visit to Italy was with my family, mum and dad loved Italy and so did we. Italy always in our hearts. A lovely song from Jack for his homeland of Italy. 

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