
Monday 28 June 2021


Why are people at Wimbledon clapping Dame Sarah Gilbert? She co-designed the Oxford/Astra-Zeneca Nanotechnology mRNA gene therapy that is killing people. Astra-Zeneca is banned in 28 countries for obvious reasons. 

Even people responding to this article refer to it has the "death jab". Pfizer, Moderna, Novavax and Johnson and Johnson all kill people. Nanotechnology mRNA kills and once it is in your body there is no off button. 

In the UK, it is now 1 in every 74 people that are having a serious immediate reaction to these injections and the fatalities are immense.

These are the official MHRA Yellow Card Scheme Reports has at the middle of June for the damage that the Astra-Zeneca injections have caused. There are different reports for the products from the other companies e.g. Pfizer and Moderna. This is not all either because most people don't report the side effects because they're unaware of the reporting system.

It doesn't look like that report includes the Scottish because when an F.O.I. was requested from Public Health Scotland, it came back that 3,752 people died within 28 days after they received the Nanotechnology mRNA killer jabs. 

This is MHRA Pfizer report.

The former VP of Pfizer, Mike Yeadon has said, "Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death". Mike has been warning humanity about all of the Nanotechnology mRNA injections and recommends that you don't take any of them into your bodies.

Doctors and Scientists from 30 different countries agree that the Nanotechnology mRNA injections "are exposing populations to serious, unnecessary and unjustified medical risks." 

This is their new website.

You can't turn the clock back once you've committed your body to it, you become a no go zone. Even Spain and Russia are telling people not to fly if jabbed due to the high risk of people getting blood clots. 

Time for Nuremberg 2.0. Lawyers are on to it and so are many doctors and scientists internationally. Over 90,000 doctors now support the legal actions. 

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