
Monday 28 June 2021


100s of thousands gathered in the London capital on Saturday, people were saying it was the biggest protest against the government to date. Then on Sunday, the music industry, the DJ's and ravers took it on in London too. 

Literally, thousands upon thousands of people filled the length and breadth of Regent Street and Whitehall in London.  They were singing and dancing, and "Save Our Scene" were some of the organisers. 

In scripture it is written that Jesus shared that birds have no worries, they always know they will be provided for. Has Jesus said, "worrying cannot add a single day to your life". However, it can shorten the days of your life, so live as stress free as you possible can. Stress can deplete the nutrients in your body and in turn that can trigger a life threatening disease. 

We are aware that the Nanotechnology mRNA is putting many people's bodies under immense stress, the body doesn't like anything unnatural being put inside it. My first experience of that was in my 20s due to an American contraception device that triggered pre-cancerous cells. I then had to have laser treatment for around 18 months. 

At the weekend the Health Minister of the UK resigned after film footage was shared with him and one of his aides. Matt Hancock is also being sued with other world leaders. 1,000 lawyers, 10,000 doctors and scientists are on it with 90,000 doctors in support of the legal actions. 

Members of parliament have been put on notice for "crimes against humanity", so have the MEPs in the EU parliament. The EMA and MHRA have been put on notice for being in breach of the "Nuremberg Codes". 

Two young dads reported the "crime" to the police after they received responses to F.O.I's, 20 hospitals responded that not a single person died of Covid in any of those hospitals in the UK. The police have to investigate. 

In a different case, a former police officer, Mark Sexton has also reported the "crime" committed by the government to the police. Those involved in the "crime against humanity", include Matt Hancock and Boris Johnson. Mark reported with evidence that there has been no pandemic and he told the police that they have to investigate due to the oath that they have taken to protect the general public and uphold the law. 

In the UK, "Every constable is an independent legal entity; the public's guarantee of impartiality. Officers of the crown operate independent of undue influence, interference and with a personal responsibility, which requires a unique type of person and commitment". 

Officers take this oath. "I do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm I will well and truly serve the Queen in the office of constable, with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people, and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences against people and property; and that while I continue to hold the said office I will to the best of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law".

The two dads gave the police a liability notice that if anything happens to any child due to the Nanotechnology mRNA injections they will be held responsible. In America, many children have already died from the jabs. 

Mark Sexton also reminded the police force of their oath and it is their duty to carry out a full investigation and that means speaking to more than the perpetrators of the "crime". 

This website is great for the latest news on this subject matter, it provides daily updates.

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