
Tuesday 25 May 2021


This month I had a dream of my home and the white front door could not be opened for the person that was trying to get into my home, he could not open the door. A white door is a door of purity due to its colour. 

To the right of my front door, there are two large fish plates in the kitchen window and a large round tray that says "Love makes things grow". Outside the door is a sign with a picture of a dog, dogs are faithful and true, great protectors and defenders.  

Interesting that Jupiter is in Pisces at this time and it can be a lovely transit. The last time we had this transit combination was in 2011.

In Judaism, the Dalet letter in the Hebrew alphabet symbolises selflessness and it became the door. 

In gematria the dalet as the numeric of 4 and there are 4 flats in the block in which I live. 

"He caused the letter Dalet to reign over Wisdom, and He tied a crown to it"

The Dalet is considered to be a gateway to the physical and metaphysical worlds that shape our existence. The symbol looks to me like a door with a porch, a covering over the entrance is the truth and that is also white.

Some say that the Dalet comes from the word DAL, meaning "poor", whereas I associate the word Dal with food e.g. when a person comes through the door they eat and food has always been very important to Jewish women.  In September 2017, HaShem asked me for Dal whilst I was in the kitchen.

The word in Sanscrit means "to split" and a door does divide us from the inside of the home and outside of the home. So I can see the connection with the Dalet. 

In Feng Shui a white door can represent JOY, purity and cleanliness. The metal element relates to precision in communication.

So what do we find in the scripture? The outer gate of the sanctuary that faces east was shut. "The LORD said to me, "This gate shall shut, it shall not be opened, and no one shall enter by it. For the LORD God of Israel has entered by it; therefore it shall be shut". Ezekiel 44:1-2 

Now, although in the dream the door was locked shut, recently I was shown an open window while bathing. The slatted wooded doors of the window were open, the glass window was open and the golden sunshine was pouring in. That was around the time when I received the messages about the "Shock", and the "Myelin". All is archived on this blog. 

Then in the film of the Sound of Music, it was spoken that when God closes a door, somewhere he opens a window. The window was already open prior to him closing the door in the dream received in May. 

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