
Sunday 9 May 2021


On Tuesday the 11th of June, 2019, I had a dream of speaking to President Trump and I was talking to him about business and Nigel Farage. Since that dream and conversation, Farage has gone from the political scene in the UK, (he was promoting the Nanotechnology mRNA jabs prior to his departure) and Trump is in Florida, doing what Trump does. He loves discussing business, he thrives on it.

President Trump knows that telling the truth has become a new market and in the summer of 2019, he had fertile bamboo growing out of his head. Hence, I think he had plenty of ideas about his way forward. 

In hindsight, I view it that his ideas had already grown out of his head and in the dream he was going into a shop to buy a new suit to wear. In Chinese culture bamboo is one of the three friends of winter and one of the four gentlemen, he had four flowering bamboos on his head. 

Bamboo is one of the fastest growing plants in the world, and Trump being a Gemini, he certainly likes to do things speedily, Trump the communicator, Trump the listener, Trump the doer! 

In human health a skin prick test using a bamboo extract was positive for immunoglobulin E (IgE). Citations to source links on this url.

Bamboo as Medicine 


After the dream of Trump there was then a recurring dream, and in it there was a white curly poodle looking dog, some baby bears and a discussion about 12 keys to an historic house. I was holding one of the keys and the dream signified a reunion of some kind. 

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