
Monday 10 May 2021


In this 40 minute video, Israeli Jana Bennum discusses the future effects of those that have taken the jabs with Dr Carrie Madej. During the discussion, the Israeli mentions that some people in Israel and Australia tested positive for HIV after they received the Nanotechnology mRNA. 

Carrie says that once she knew that they were using Lipid nano particles in the injections, that they would attack the neurological system. The more injections people have the more Lipid nano particles they body will be receiving and the more damage it can do.

This links into the MYELIN message that I received, to get to the nerves it has to get past the myelin that surrounds the nerves. Hence, if the myelin surrounding the nerves is already damaged anywhere in the body due to a lack of appropriate nutrition, IMHV, it would make it far easier for the Lipid nanoparticles to do the most damage to the nervous system. 

Remembering the damage that chemo does to the same system and why we are seeing so many eye disorders in the MHRA records being reported after people are injected. 

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