
Friday 7 May 2021

TORY "WASTE" 1.7M Jabs

The Tories "wasted" even more money on "Flu shots". The Government is having to destroy 1.7M that were unused, that is public money that they are "wasting".

One third of GPs in the UK are considering taking early retirement within a year.  I'm not surprised, perhaps their conscience is getting to them or they are becoming aware of the fact that the lawyers are on to the "Crimes Against Humanity" and for being in breach of the "Nuremberg Codes", with the NANO TECHNOLOGY MRNA injections.

An NHS board member whistleblower has said that what is happening is genocide, it certainly is when the government is involved in it and GPs and the NHS just follow orders. GPs are being paid £25 for every two doses of the nano technology injections that they give to each patient. So if a surgery has 8,000 patients and jabs them all, GPs receive £200,000 and that triples a GPs salary. 

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