
Friday 7 May 2021


Has Daily Expose have reported today after receipt of the 14th report from the "Yellow Card" scheme provided by the government. In January, the rate of adverse reactions to the jabs stood at 1 in every 333 people. A couple of weeks later it increased to 1 in every 250. This rate has since increased to 1 in every 166 people. However, we also know that less than 1% of Adverse Reactions are reported.

Anyone with a heart of conscience should be shocked by the 765,568 Adverse Reactions to date. 

1,100 that were Fatal. From 215,256 total reports. 

The Labour MP, Stella Creasy is pregnant and she thinks the jabs are safe has reported by the BBC website today. It boggles the mind why people haven't bothered to dig deep when their own child in their own wombs is being put at such a high risk. There have been so many miscarriages, still borns, and premature babies, yet the brainless politicians still asked you to vote for them. 

They are not vaccines, it is NANO TECHNOLOGY MRNA that is being experimented upon millions of people that are being led like lambs to the slaughter house. And that's not all, there is a tsunami of adverse reactions being reported from people that didn't take the jabs due to transmission from the jabbed to un-jabbed. Take a look at these reports on this link.

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