
Sunday 16 May 2021


People kept on referring to the Nanotechnology mRNA injections has the "Mark of the Beast". In March, I looked at the scripture and the translations. What I found is that the word translated as "mark" in that verse is the Greek word "Charagma" and when you put the Greek word into the translator from Greek to English, it means "Notch". 

On this blogpost from March, it was shared that the word "Notch" can be found in engineering when there is indentation or a slit in material. Notch signalling pathway, a cell signalling system present in most multi-cellular organisms. Notch proteins, a family of transmembrane proteins. Notch software and Dr Fauci referred to the Nanotechnology mRNA injections has software. There is also a Notch test that is otherwise known has a Charpy Impact test.

It is written, Notch family members operate in a variety of different tissues and play a role in a variety of developmental processes by controlling cell fate decisions. Much of what is known about Notch function comes from studies done in Caenorhabditis elegans (C.elegans) and Drosophila melanogaster. Human homologs have been identified, but details of Notch function and interactions with its ligands are not well known in this context. Source: Wikipedia 


Then there is Magnetogentics: Remote non-invasive magnetic activation of neuronal activity with a magnetoreceptor. The question is posed; is this why people's arms are sticking to fridge magnets after they've been injected?

Magnets sticking to people's arms at the site of injection. 

In America, people are being told to leave it 6-10 weeks prior to having an MRI scan if they've taken the injection. Most people are not aware that what they're being injected with is not a "vaccine", it is Nanotechnology mRNA. Did you know that the word PHARMAKEIA in Greek is in the bible? It is from the root of the word to "administer drugs".


I discovered the Isaiah Moth Prophecy because a friend volunteered to take the Novavax Nanotechnology mRNA injection and that has moths in it. 

This photograph was taken at a friends house in 2011. The moth landed on a piece of material, moths eat material and they especially like wool. 

Prophet Isaiah gave a prophecy "It is the Sovereign LORD who helps me. Who will condemn me? They will all wear out like a garment, the moths will eat them up."  Isaiah 50:9 

"For the moth will eat them like a garment; the worm will devour them like wool. But my righteousness will last forever, my salvation through all generations". Isaiah 51:8 

Has we know wool usually comes from the sheep and moths make holes in woollen garments. Jesus also picked up on the Isaiah prophecy and gave a warning in the book of Matthew. 

In Matthew 6:19-20 the scripture mentions the "moths" and the"vermin" that take the wealth that people stored upon the earth. He warned in advance to put your treasures in heaven for where your treasure is, so your heart will be also. 

Interesting that the word translated as "TREASURE" in that verse only appears three times in the bible and all three are in the book of Matthew. The Greek word is thesaurous. The Greek word translated has heaven in the same verse is "OURANO", associated with Uranus ruler of the Aquarius water-bearer.

The first time the word treasure is mentioned in Matthew is when the Magi gave the Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh to baby Jesus. Mathew 2:11. The Magi knew that Jesus would be a healer. What they gave was to show that they acknowledged and had identified him. 

Christians were given plenty of warnings to be vigilant, to be on alert, yet, some chose to take injections of unnatural serums that were not required. 

Not just the Nanotechnology mRNA, many also took the flu jabs that weaken the immune system and impact upon the brain.  Did they forget that their bodies are a temple of God? 

Did you know that the Chief Scientist of Astra-Zeneca died of CJD in March, 2021, and that the jabs can cause PRION disease?

While many were busy storing up their financial wealth,  I was on a mission for Jesus investing and promoting his healers. In the scrolls Isaiah foretold that one healer would become a 1,000, I'm pleased to say that happened in my presence. Healing passed onto the next generations just like Isaiah foretold it would be. Reiki healing is scientifically proven to increase the hemoglobin and Jesus, hands-on- healing. 

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