
Monday 17 May 2021


In the last week I've had a dream of a mobile phone and a message from my son. I've received a dream about my computer and I was praying in the dream. After my prayers the computer came back on again and I was given a message. Then after the dream I was given a message. 

We've had the New Moon in Taurus and Taurus is an Earth sign, Taurus the bull loves the home and homeland. 

Then on the 16th of May, 2021, I kept on being taken to rest and dream state, dreams are intensifying while the TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE energies are coming in. The 16th is the "Day of Flair".  

I received three dreams, after each dream I could remember each dream and I always think I shall remember this, then sometimes I don't. The most vivid dream was about family, the dream that is most vivid in my remembrance is one of my Gemini sibling. 

The white front door was locked, I couldn't open the door, I was locked in and couldn't get out. White is the colour of purity. 

My brother was locked out and couldn't get in through the door. 

In dream interpretation a locked door is about "regrets" in regards to "missed opportunities". Pluto is Retrograde until October and the "distress" is causing "breakthroughs". 

With the lockdowns in the UK during 2021, I think that also has to be taken into consideration when looking at the context of this dream. Also to dream of family can indicate an upswing in all of your interests. 

In scripture, it is written that Jesus said, "I am the door". Also we find a verse in scripture whereby Apostle Thomas is locked in the house with the other apostles. The door is locked but Jesus still manages to get in to speak to them and Jesus said, "Peace be with you". John 20:26 

After the dream, I checked my emails and there was news from my brother. 


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