
Thursday 13 May 2021


Monotti Protocol Producer Robin Monotti Graziadei today forwarded a message he received from singer Eric Clapton in which he reports the adverser reactions he suffered after submitting to the shot, regrets having undergone the procedure. 

Eric is 76 years old and has a breathing condition, emphysema, he also suffers from peripheral neuropathy. He certainly should not have gone near the needle with the Nanotechnology mRNA in it. 

Clapton's full letter can be read on the Americas Frontline Doctors website.

With Elton John and Michael Caine being puppets for Boris advertising prescribed medication directly to the general public (it is illegal in the UK to do that) I'm pleased that Eric Clapton as found his voice and courage to write about what has happened since he took the Astra-Zeneca jab. Now he has to speak up and warn all of his fans. He has to make it public in the UK. 

In his letter to the producer he mentions Hugo Talks and this is a link to his Brand New Tube video on the case of Eric Clapton.

An appropriate song, BEHIND THE MASK. 


Eric Clapton wasn't told the following prior to accepting the injections: 

1. It is not a vaccine it is NANOTECHNOLOGY MRNA that can have serious side effects including heart attacks and strokes. In fact, there are many fatalities caused by the injections and neurological conditions. I wonder if he took the flu jabs previously, because all the jabs have an adverse impact upon the immune system. None of the jabs are safe, all impact upon the brain and immune system. 

2. It is a BIO-WEAPON that can cause PRION disease and the Chief Scientist of Astra-Zeneca died of CJD in March 2021. 

3. Frontline American Doctors are still trying to find out how many different mRNA's have been put into the serum's. GPs in the UK don't even know what is in the jabs or that it is Nanotechnology mRNA gene therapy. 

What we do know is that magnets are sticking to people's arms where they were injected. It is a 'MEDICAL DEVICE". 

4. Transmission happens moving from the jabbed to the un-jabbed causing harm to the un-jabbed if they come into close contact. This has caused fatality of a pregnant woman and her baby, plus men are finding bruising on their bodies and women past menopause are also bleeding heavily. 

What we are seeing overall is a systematic deconstruction of the bodies natural and miraculous operating systems to defend the body from intrusive and un-natural mechanisms that is in the Nanotechnology mRNA injections. 

Has far has Eric Clapton and his emphysema, I would ask him whether he has been taking any British Supplements to help his body. E.g. a man of his age with his condition should be on a high dosage of Coq10 enzyme. 

I also recommend a Reiki healing training course and healing treatments has this Reiki Master Teacher had great success with a case of emphysema and other breathing conditions were also helped with Reiki that is scientifically proven to increase the hemoglobin in the blood. 

For his nervous system I would ask him if he is taking CHOLIN for the myelin that surrounds the nerves and what other supplements he is taking. I work on new protocols for different health conditions and it includes designing specific recipes with specific nutrients tailored to the individual client and their health conditions. 

Eric Clapton is an Aries born on the 30th March, 1945. He's a Wood Rooster and Roosters are having a ROCK STAR year in 2021 year of the OX. 


The letter has been verified by Rolling Stone magazine. 

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