
Wednesday 12 May 2021

15 Year Old Journalists -v- Brian Rose

15 year old English citizen journalists doing the job that employed British journalists should be doing. 

Brian Rose, former American stock broker, co-founder of London Real couldn't take the heat so he left the Zoom call prior to when it was meant to finish. 

It makes you wonder if he treats his own children like that! Make an appointment with the children and then not listen to what they have to say, is Brian Rose's way. Whereas Jesus said, "Bring the children to me". 

These children are like young King David taking on Goliath with the Sword of Truth. 

Jesus asked the Apostles "How many swords do you have?" They replied "two", Jesus said, "that's enough". 

The first sword is the sword of Archangel Michael, as he said, "The point of the sword of truth is to prick the conscience of those that are sleeping". 

The second sword is from Archangel Gabriel, it is blunt, truth can be blunt, British people can be very blunt, the sword of mercy defending our people from the American stock broker. Brian Rose didn't win the election for Mayor, and I think he knew that he wouldn't get many votes. 

The Mayor of London election was never going to be won by an American. I think the commentators are correct, that Brian Rose used the election has a platform to catapult his brand name and business interests in London. Now he will have to provide the receipts for his election campaign and how it was funded to the British Electoral Commission. 

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