
Friday 14 May 2021


I had a dream this morning and it looked like the Applemac computer blew up, I was then told "It's the engine". 

The computer went off, closed down, then I tried to turn it on again, I was praying at the same time and it did come back on. Then has I was opening my eyes I received this message, "Decreased".

In dream interpretation to dream of an engine can be a dream of contrary. If the engine stopped it forecasts certain success in your endeavours, although you may have a few obstacles along the way. 

An engine that is broken down or damaged predicts delays in reaching your objective through interference from treacherous associates, but their efforts will be ineffective; you'll get there in the end. 

When we look at the word decreased it can apply to health. Free Dictionary mentions "Decreased cardiac output", "Decreased Fetal movement", "Decreased appetite" has examples. We know that the Nanotechnology mRNA injections are having an adverse impact on the people's health. 

The SALK Institute found that the jabs impacted upon the Cardiovascular system.

Tiny plastics have been found in the placenta's of Italian women, there have been many miscarriages, premature births and still borns. 

What happened in Italy? People were taken out of hospitals and put into care homes and that is how it spread. A retired Swiss Immunologist during an interview with Ivor Cummins shared that he was in a coma in hospital when he caught it. He was in hospital due to other health conditions. 

The Immunologist said that hospital is the most dangerous place because the virus finds the holes in the health care system. 


Magnets are even sticking to people's arms, today, there was a video of Mark Steele sharing that there have been cases of CJD in Canada and we know that the Chief Scientist of Astra-Zeneca died of CJD in March, 2021. 

Decreased would indicate that it has already happened. The act of processing or causing to become less or smaller. Decreasing the size of the population based upon computer modelling? Bill Gates said that he thought he could reduce the population by 10-15%. Bill Gates has been involved in funding the MHRA and Oxford University, e.g Astra-Zeneca.

Censorship also decreased the amount of people that could share the truth on YT, Twitter, and Facebook. So people sharing the truth had to go to other platforms like Brighteon, BrandNewTube, Bitchute etc.

The human heart is the engine of the body and the heart can function independently of the brain.

The heart is also the centre of intelligence. 

Anyone else having a computer dream? We've just had the New Moon in Taurus and this is the 2nd dream. 

In the previous dream on the 12th of May, my son who also refuses the jab, had sent me a text message and it said, "UNIMPROVED HEALTH". 

Then one of the first videos that I looked at that morning was of the Vice-President of Facebook that thought that the Nanotechnology mRNA would provide her with more anti-bodies to fight blood cancer, and it didn't, Nicola's health did not improve by taking the jab. Hence she was hugely disappointed whilst talking to the Evening Standard journalist.

The 14th of May is the "Day of Self-Confidence". 

Praying in a dream, Peace of mind and contentment with your lot in life are promised in a dream of offering up prayers. 

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