
Thursday 13 May 2021


Daily Expose have carried out their latest analysis of the devastation caused by the Nanotechnology mRNA jabs in the UK. Moderna jabs have begun so they are starting to show fatalities in the UK too. 

The latest stats are only up to the 5th of May, it stands to reason that most of these updates are from outcomes in April. So I won't make individual blogposts on the individual brand name stats until the next report. What we do know is that 1 in 166 people are having adverse reactions to the jabs has far as the analysis goes to date based upon the stats we have available. 

Of course if everything was reported then there would be far more and the risk factor would be seen to be much higher.

Total Adverse Reactions from Astra-Zeneca and Pfizer come to 781, 395. Fatalities (that don't include Scotland) come to 1,126. Also bear in mind that less than 1% of adverse reactions usually get reported. 

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