
Saturday 24 April 2021


Truth Unmasked website share people's stories regarding experiencing different health conditions after being in the presence of someone that took the Nanotechnology mRNA into their bodies. The first video is a warning from a doctor, Christine Northrop and she explains the reports that she has been receiving.

Female children are experiencing internal vaginal bleeding, as are women that took the different jabs. None of the jabs are any better than any other has far as adverse reactions are concerned. The huge amount of adverse reactions and fatalities have been shocking and two women from Scotland were featured in the Daily Mail this week, the photographs were horrific with blood all over the bedding from the huge amount of blisters on the body caused by the jabs.

Woman that did not take the jab are experiencing large blood clots, bruising, with men it has been impacting on erectile function, swollen testicles and bodies inflamed.  Just by being in the presence of someone that took the jab. 

We also know scientifically that people that take flu jabs have a higher incidence of infection after repeated vaccination and flu jabs impacts detrimentally on women's ability to conceive too.

Women during their menstruation years are finding that people that took the Nanotechnology mRNA are impacting upon those that haven't taken the jab. Young women are saying this is a real emergency, real health issues. These young women are generally fit and healthy, yet are experiencing bruising and heavy bleeds, including large clots.  They say that women that have completed menopause are also bleeding again. When a woman bleeds post-menopause it is usually "cancer". 

A nurse also speaks and shares her feedback on the reports that she has been receiving. This video of the nurse is also on the Truth Unmasked website.

What this means is that people that haven't taken the Nanotechnology mRNA have to stay away from people that have taken the jab due to their ability to impact adversely upon your health. 

Dr Lawrence Palevsky, a renowned board certified pediatrician, published author and lecturer shares the truth with you too.

In this video on Brand New Tube includes Dr Merritt, Dr Tenpenny, Dr Pavesky and Dr Madej discuss the dangers of the Nanotechnology RNA. Dr Larry says that it is a "bio-weapon" of "mass destruction" and that everyone that has received the jab should be quarantined. Dr Tenpenny says that there are 20 different mechanisms in the jabs that are causing damage to the body.

In this case a five month old baby died after doctors found that the baby had elevated liver enzymes, the mother had breast fed the baby after taking the second shot of the Pfizer jab. The only exposure the baby had was the Pfizer Nanotechnology mRNA via his mother's breast milk.  A heartbreaking story.

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