
Monday 26 April 2021


Certainly a time to cultivate self-sufficiency on this full moon in Scorpio. The 26th is the "day of cultivation", and the 27th is the "day of self-sufficiency. 

Scorpio has tenacity and there is also a Mars in Cancer transit that makes this full moon energies highly sensitive, pushing people to look at what is real in your life and how you can improve your life. 

So for instance I am looking at the possibility of a home move and these energies do include our home environment. If anyone is impacting upon the joy in your heart, your happiness, then you have to do something about it. Many people are feeling "distressed", with some people it is their work lives, with others it is their personal lives, with others it can be financial implications and their travel plans. 

So what do you do when and if you feel "distressed", do you reach out and ask for help and/or are you cultivating self-sufficiency? Do you require help to ensure that you can cultivate self-sufficiency? 


The divine message that was bestowed today was "efficacy" when a critical thinker asked for some clarification. Efficacy is more formal and different to effectiveness. For instance an Ad and PR campaign can be effective but is the company ethical? Is the product safe and sound? Is the company or client that you are working for reliable, trustworthy and respectful?  That's the difference. 

How can big pharma have any type of efficacy if their research isn't ethical to begin with? From a Judeo-Christian standpoint, the intention has to be ethical, the people have to live in the heart of integrity, for true efficacy to exist. 

From a medical standpoint, the issue that the critical thinking doctors and scientists have with the Nanotechology mRNA is to do with the medical ethics and "do no harm". Some refer to it has the "mark" in the book of revelations When in fact, if you do your research and look at the Greek, it actually means "Notch", not "mark". 

So if someone is doing your health harm what are you going to do about it? How will you choose to change your life and environment? Maybe something is coming to a close for you at this time, maybe in your home life, environment, families or friendships. 

While the wooden shutters are open, and the window is open for you to see a new view and opportunity with the light of the sun pouring in. 

Scientists and doctors, critical thinkers are against medical experimentation on humanity, for it is a "crime against humanity", plus Fauci, European Medicines Agency, CDC, NHS England etc are all in breach of the "Nuremberg Codes". 

Ethics and integrity go hand in hand for true efficacy to be a reality in pure intention. It is nearly 20 years ago when we were sharing about the great scientific research of Professor William Tiller and how he discovered that the outcomes of clinical research can be impacted upon by the researchers intentions. 

Hence, the power of pure intention is crucial for real efficacy. Those of us that walk with Spirit would never ever allow the Nanotechnology mRNA notch to be put inside our bodies. I'd rather not travel ever again than compromise the integrity of my body. 

It is my body, a wondrous and heavenly body, a sanctuary of the divine. The cultivation of my self-sufficiency has been the self-sufficient body of the hands-on-healer, from which the power of love streams through. The sound and vibration of my voice also has the ability to heal for those that have the ears to hear. 

Even tears in pure intention can be a purifying water upon the souls that have seen them shed. I still remember the tears of the holy mother, and how she wiped my tears away from my face, so close, so near, so compassionate and merciful. 

"It is the Divine Instruction only which bestows WISDOM; and of what EFFICACY the Law of God is".

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