
Monday 5 April 2021


Following an information request to Public Health Scotland it has been revealed that 2,207 people died within 28 days of receiving either Astra-Zeneca or Pfizer jab in February.

Clearly, the British government stats don't include the Scottish stats. The British government stats show there have been 704 fatalities after the jabs to date. 

So that is 2,911 fatalities that we are aware of. 

UPDATE 06/04/2021 Another F.O.I. showes that hospital deaths in Scotland during 2020 were below average and it is only 596 that died of Covid 19.If that were compared with previous flu stats it is probably about the same as the average. I've asked Daily Expose to compare those stats. So for instance in the stats shown on this link, more people died in hospital in Scotland in 2010 than they have since.

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