
Sunday 4 April 2021

NEW MOON 12th APRIL 2021

A time to plan in ARIES the ram timeline, what moves will you make in 2021, for you, your life and your health, to restore and preserve. Roland Legrand says to understand what has to be understood. 

This New Moon brings positive energy for moving forward in the real year. The 12th of April is the "Day of Awareness". What awareness will you share this year? Scripture says that Jesus was aware of their discussion. 

Jesus in awareness and he withdrew to heal those that were ill, retreat is not defeat, it just means that there are other priorities and treats to share. Retreating doesn't mean that you are not moving forward, it just means that your perspectives have shifted, moving into a different groove that is more beneficial health wise for you and yours. 

It does link into the recent message from the heavenly Father when he spoke of Hosha'ana during Pesach for it means, "Save, we beseech thee". 

Aware of this, Jesus said to them, "Why are you bothering this woman? She has done a beautiful thing to me". Matthew 26:10 The eastern Christian mystics celebrate Easter at the end of April and that feels more appropriate to this woman. 

In Ancient Greece, the mystics, the prophetesses were known as doves in classical Greek. My first banner put up in public at the start of the 90s had a dove upon it, although it was years later that I was shown its connection to ancient Greece. Life has an incredible way of manifesting divinely when you are in alignment with divine will and it can be miraculous. 

Has Roland says be inventive, be original, be adaptive, be prepared to change direction if necessary for you and your health. Now we are aware of the dangers of Nanotechnology mRNA jabs, we are aware of the dangers of mask wearing, we are aware of biblical prophecies for this timeline. 

It certainly alters our view of life on this planet at this time. Did you choose length of days prior to 2012? Didn't we share that what people chose prior to 2012 would impact upon the health outcomes and people were asked to choose wisely. 

However, scripture says that God decides who shall sit at the left hand and who will sit at the right hand. In 2006, whilst Jesus was preparing and briefing yours truly on the mission to Israel, he said, "Don't let the left hand know what the right hand is doing". Hence, some are a lot more aware than others.

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