
Wednesday 7 April 2021


We've heard that underwriters are not underwriting insurance policies if people take the jab. 

We've also seen a tweet from a gym that refused members that have taken the jab because their pubic liability insurance doesn't cover them for people taking experimental medical interventions. The gym said it would review the situation at the end of 2023 when the big pharma trial is over.
The last time I had a life policy was in the 90s because that is the last time I owned a property, but I am sure even then one of the exclusions in the life policy was that the insurance did not cover for any experimental medical interventions. 

So I don't think that this is a new change in the policies. I think that underwriters have always had that exclusion written into insurance policies.  Perhaps people could re-read their policies to see what they say, exclusions are usually in the small print.  I've also asked a financial consultant for some feedback on it. Don't know how long it will take for him to reply. Even if he does. 
This doesn't just impact upon life policies, public liability policies, we also saw that health insurance is being restricted too with a tweet of the letter from BUPA.  

What I'm wondering about now is what they're going to do about car insurance and travel insurance due to the high % of heart attacks after the jabs.  

In England there has been 1,462 Cardiac Disorders from the Pfizer jab, and 39 fatalities as at the 21st of March, 2021. 

There have been 3,748 Cardiac Disorders from the Astra-Zeneca jab as at the 21st of March, 2021, plus 51 fatalities. 

So 90 fatalities from the jabs in that health category and that doesn't include all of the cases in Scotland, whereby 2,207 people died in February within 28 days of receiving the jab. I call that genocide and time for Nuremberg trials. 

In the UK, they're trying to stop the over 70s from driving after sunset, and also trying to restrict their access to motorways e.g  not allowed on motorways. 

They're talking about putting trackers on the 70+ year olds driving cars to make sure that they comply with gov regulations.  They clearly know that the injections are dangerous to life.
The Holy Mother was close to me again this morning, called my name after speaking of the shock that humanity is experiencing. Basically, humanity is in shock at what has happened, especially those whose bodies received the Nanotechnology mRNA, their bodies are in shock. 


After that she spoke of the MYELIN, that is to do with nervous system in the body, the brain and the spine. 

I object to the fact that scientists work on vaccines to solve the health conditions that they co-created with the vaccines that they give to babies, vaccines that damage the brain and its natural self-protection. 

The brains of a child haven't even fully developed until the age of 25. 

In this article it mentions a teenager that was given an HPV jab and afterwards she had LUPUS.
How many teenagers lives have been ruined by being given that unnecessary HPV vaccine? 

Did you know that more women than men are dying from the Nantechnology mRNA, is that due to body weight? Less body weight more contamination?  

Professor Dolores Cahill spoke about the huge impact these jabs will have on fertility. In the gov reports there have been spontaneous abortions, I call that miscarriages, still borns, premature babies born.  

A picture has been shared of an American baby that had an extreme skin reaction all over his body, after drinking the mother's milk, the mother had been jabbed and it contaminated the breast milk.  

Not only that but the Astra-Zeneca Chief Scientist died of CJD in March, and the Nanotechnology mRNA experimental injections have a risk of PRION disease. Not just Astra-Zeneca either, all of the Nanotechnology injections. MSM didn't tell you about it? Reuters did! 

So what are they going to do about travel insurance? That won't be underwritten either. 

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