
Wednesday 7 April 2021


Has I was coming out of sleep state this morning I heard the word "SHOCK", then my name was spoken by a feminine voice, the Holy Mother has been close since yesterday when I saw her and the open window whilst praying in the bath.

When I was told of the "shock", I was given the sense that humanity are in shock at what has happened. I then heard my name spoken and I knew it was time to get up and get to work. 

While sharing this on-line, another message was received.
I then received the word "MYELIN", "Myelin is an insulating layer, or sheath that forms around the nerves, including those in the brain and spinal cord. It is nade of protein and fatty substances. The myelin sheath allows electrical impulses to transmit quickly and efficiently along nerve cells. When the myelin is damaged it slows down the bodies impulses." 


What I object to is instead of doing the research on the jabs that are damaging the brains of babies and the myelin. Instead of stopping babies vaccinations and vaccines that are being given to teenagers. They research for more vaccines to address the outcome of the first vaccines that co-created the health condition in the first place. 

This article includes what has happened in Ireland in the Care Homes. It begins with a man sharing that a teenager got Lupus after being given a HPV jab. It is worthy of a read. 

The article is titled, "This could save humanity". 

This is a scientific medical link on CHOLINE one of the essential nutrients for building MYELIN. 

IRON is another essential nutrient for the MYELIN. In 2016, when I was working on a potential "cancer case", I discovered that women require nearly two-thirds more IRON during menopause and afterwards. Is that one of the reasons that more women are dying after receiving the Nanotechnology mRNA jabs? It looks like the jabs are destroying the nutrients in the body, just like stress does too. 

When the body is under stress, it destroys the nutrients in the body. 

Recently there has been a case where a mother who received the jab contaminated her babies breast milk and then the babies immune system reacted extremely. 

Also that scientific link says that pregnant women have been found to be deficient in Choline and that means that the baby is taking the Choline from the mother's body to help build its own. Or she doesn't have enough Choline in her body prior to pregnancy. 

That often happens during pregnancy, when I was pregnant my son was taking all the Vit C out of my body, and I couldn't stop eating oranges. Pregnancy had a huge impact upon my teeth too, some of my teeth began crumbling and I had to have some crowns put in. 

This is a great link on the Choline Herbs and Spices. 

Yellow Mustard Seeds are at the top of the list. I cook with mustard seeds. Also when I was cooking a lot of soups to put the nutrients in, I also ate a lot of fresh coriander leaves and Coriander is second on the list for helping the Myelin. When you can't afford much food, soups are an economical way to get your nutrients. 

I cook with all of these Cholin herbs and spices. 

People in the UK were shocked by the BBC Panorama documentary on how the mass PCR testing has been carried out. What did they expect when the tests are being examined by a machine on mass, of course they would become contaminated. 

People will also be shocked to get this news, The Daily Expose share with us that the number of reported miscarriages to the MHRA due to the Astra-Zeneca jabs has increased by 550% in just eight weeks. The number of women to lose their unborn child after the Pfizer jabs increased by 700% in eight weeks. Those records don't include the babies that were born premature after their mothers received the jabs. 

Of course the Holy Mother is concerned, the prayers have been heard, the prayers have reached her. 

This is another video on the Choline. Babies in the womb have 15 times more choline than the pregnant mother. Choline is also found in the mother's milk while breastfeeding. Scientists found that the more Choline that the baby received, the greater the development of the child's brain. It also impacted upon the cognitive performance at age 7.

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