
Thursday 1 April 2021


Jewish Passover began on the 27th of March and continues until April the 4th. The 28th of March was my parents wedding anniversary. 

Pesach began for yours truly in my healing room, candles on, tibetan sound healing bowls on, while I was in my sauna-steamer a couple of nights ago with my healing oils for my health. 

The sauna-steamer was really the best buy for my health in 2020, I bought it just over a year ago and it arrived in March. I've enjoyed it ever since for my health. I always feel amazing when I nurture myself in it. This time I used a dog's ball for massaging my upper back. 

I felt drawn to have cod and chips that day for lunch, has I haven't felt like cooking due to the pain in my ribcage.  A typical English lunch, although in our family we used to have it on Friday evenings. 

Then on the 31st March it was a trip to the hospital has advised for a check up, just in case. All was fine, heart and lungs were fine. Second time that they've been checked in the last week. 

The doctor recommended that I continue with the sauna-steamer to help my chest wall. He was pleased with what I shared with him about the power of cinnamon, healing oils and nutrition. 

It has certainly been a power of cinnamon pesach for yours truly. A little brandy, cinnamon in a milky coffee has a bed-time drink at this time for my health. I also sent friends a compilation of scientific medical research to consider for their own health conditions, we can certainly celebrate that beneficial information as cinnamon can protect and defend your bodies from viruses, plus a lot more. It really is an incredible spice has far as your health is concerned. 

The heavenly Father first asked me for Cinnamon whilst cooking in the kitchen in March 2014, so it is appropriate to share it for this Jewish Pesach. 

There are 41 essential oils found in Cinnamon. Major essential oil components with medicinal effects. Cinnamaldehyde, Cinnamic Acid, Cinnamyl acetate, Eugenol. Microbes don't have any resistance to the power of Cinnamon. Hence it is powerful for the immune system, has it modulates inflammatory enzymes, it also inhibits inflammatory genes that can cause a "Cytokine Storm". 

It was shared that during the 1919 pandemic the people that worked in a Cinnamon factory were completely protected from the virus. Cinnamon has the ability to kill many disease causing fungi and viruses. Cinnamon oil and cinnamon extract has anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-parasitic properties. It is also powerful in counteracting any urinary-tract infections. 

In June, 2015, this research was published. A tablespoon of Cinnamon a day can keep viruses at bay. they found that Cinnamon has the ability to deactivate viruses and the virus was deactivated within ten minutes. 

This looks lovely to make this weekend. Keto Cinnamon and Coffee Cake.

Or you could try my Lentil and Carrot Soup with Cinnamon. 


I don't think it is a coincidence that I received two dreams about protection of my borders on the morning of the 31st of March. Protection and defence can manifest in different ways. The 31st of March was the "Day of Tenacity". You certainly have to have tenacity where your health and the health of your families are concerned.

Chabad share that Sephardic Jews prefer the biblical term for a festival, "chag". When wishing someone a joyous festival, they say "chag same'ach" (pronounced CHAG sah-MAY-ach). This has its roots in the Torah, where forms of these two words are used in the commandment to rejoice on the festivals".

I found that amusing, especially has my Jewish ancestors on Dad's side were Sephardic Jews. I'm sure Dad found that funny too. 

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