
Wednesday 3 March 2021


New budget announced today, UK tax hits the highest since the 1960s. So who decided on that? Rishi Sunak is from an East African Hindu family and he married a billionaires daughter. 

He himself worked for Goldman Sachs so would you anticipate anything less than increased taxes from such a man? Corporation tax has gone up that will please the lefties. Although most of the corporations don't pay any tax anyway. 

What else has he done opened the door to make it easier for foreign immigrant workers to come and in the UK. Outrageous, but what did you expect from a first generation immigrant? Immigration should be banned for ten years. 

From the comments section in response to this article: "In the 60s a lot of tax was raised on high incomes. The equivalent of VAT was 6%, not 20%. Property owners paid rates which reflected the value of their homes. Now we have transferred the tax burden to the middle and lower income groups, to the benefit of the well-heeled. It is not fair. An open goal for Labour next election".

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