
Wednesday 3 March 2021


This is a great 28 minute video on the habits of effective artists. Andrew Price speaking at the Blender conference in 2016. 

I tend to paint when compelled to paint, although I write daily. Some of the paintings are prophetic and some are for healing. This painting was doodling with paint for the Amazon soon after a man from South America was made the Pope. In the painting you can see the sleeve of the cleric. Michaelangelo was a prophetic artist although he put many messages for the mystics in his artwork on purpose. 

You can also find hidden messages in historic icons, see what you can see in this one. See if you can see the golden dog that is being pointed too. 

It was in 2010 that Spirit threw me into looking deeply at historic Christian art to see the messages that they convey. Is the dog the ancient Italian breed of Lagotto? Or is it symbolic of someone born in the year of the dog being prophetic? Interesting that Trump was born in the year of the dog and so was my son. 

All the historic paintings that I examined through the eyes of the mystics lens are in a timeline of the blog prior to this one. It is now an archive blog and it was a great journey. 

Jesus likes to name some of the paintings and he called this painting "LAST DAYS". Has we know, Obama is in charge of the war machine again. We are aware of what the LibDems did during the 2020 American election and Jesus referred to it has "grievous harm". 

                                                                        LAST DAYS 

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