
Thursday 11 March 2021


Pfizer fatalities are now 227 from the Nanotechnology mRNA jabs in the UK. 

Total reports 33,207, 94,809 reactions.

See different blogpost for the Astra-~Zeneca government stats has of today.

Monthly blogposts have been provided on this blog on this subject matter. You are welcome to review them all. 

UPDATED 21st March, 2021. 

The official reports have been updated they now read as follows for Pfizer. 

BLOOD DISORDERS increased to 2500 + 1 fatality. 

237 Fatalities. 23 miscarriages and 4 born premature. 

35,325 reports. 100,809 Adverse Health Reactions. 

UPDATED 4th April, 2021. Stats as at the 21st March, 2021. 

Total reactions 116,627 Fatal 283

Total reports 40,883 

Apparently, only 6% of people receiving the injections received Pfizer in the UK so far. Although Pfizer is being given to people for their 2nd shot. So we can anticipate a substantial rise in adverse reactions to Pfizer once we know the outcome of the 2nd shots. 

For some reason they've changed the stats on pregnancy conditions, this is why we have to keep a close eye on what they're doing with the records. 

Not only that but there has been news from Scotland of 2,207 fatalities although the response to the freedom of information request did not clarify how many of those people were given Pfizer -v- Astra-Zeneca. 

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