
Thursday 11 March 2021



UPDATE 11th March, 2021. 

Fatalities have increased to 275 on the latest update from the link. 2150 Eye Disorders including 28 people going completely blind. Gastrointestinal Disorders 22,336. General Disorders 71,723, Immune System Disorders 542, Infections 3,839. Injuries 916, Investigations 2,436. Metabolic Disorders 2,644. 

Muscle and tissue Disorders 24,631. Nervous System Disorders, 43,591. Respiratory Disorders 5,323. Skin Disorders 10,507. That's not all take a look at the link. From 54,180 reports, there have 201,622 adverse reactions including the 275 fatalities from the jabs.

Denmark, Norway and Iceland join Italy, Germany, Sweden and Switzerland, stop administering Astra-Zeneca. In Denmark it was due to it causing blood clots. In Norway due to the high fatality rate with 65s and over.

Australian Health Minister admitted to hospital 48 hours after taking Astra-Zeneca jab. 

THE FATALITY RATES ON THIS BLOGPOST DO NOT INCLUDE THE PFIZER FATALITIES IN THE UK. THERE IS A DIFFERENT BLOGPOST FOR PFIZER JABS. There is another 227 fatalities from Pfizer in the UK. Total reports 33,207, 94,809 adverse reactions.

UPDATED REPORTS 21st March, 2021. 

The official reports have been updated since I wrote the above.  Fatalities have increased to 289. (That doesn't include the Pfizer fatalities). This is just Astra-Zeneca. There have been 5 miscarriages and 1 still birth. 

Total adverse health reactions 228,337. 

BLOOD DISORDERS 1,287, 1 fatal. 

Total reports 61,304. 

If we add the Astra-Zeneca stats together with the Pfizer stats for the UK we have the following totals. 


96,629 REPORTS 

Previously we had a combined fatality rate of 502. It has increased since this blogpost was first written. 


28th March, 2021 

Fatalities increased to 585. 

UPDATED Report has at the 21st March, 2021. 

There are so many other countries that are getting Astra-Zeneca and it includes Kenya, Ghana, Myanmar and India to name just a few. 

These reports are just for Astra-Zeneca in the UK.

Blood Disorders 2411 fatal 2. 

Cardiac disorders 3768, fatal 51. There were 58 heart attacks 14 fatal. 

Congential disorders 29 

Ear disorders 2574 

Endocrine disorders 60

Eye disorders 4566, 59 completely blind. 

Gastrointestinal disorders 39,988. Fatal 6

General disorders  131,355, Fatal 196, there has been a lot of swelling. 

Immune System disorders 1109, Fatal 1. 

Infections 4,375, Fatal 47. 

Injuries 2,201, Fatal 1. 

Investigations 4,542

Metabolic disorders (includes diabetes) 4,679, Fatal 2 diabetes. 

Muscle and tissue disorders 47,015, Fatal 1. 

Neoplasms 63, Fatal 1. 

Nervous system disorders 81,702, Fatal 49. (they include strokes in those stats) 

Pregnancy conditions 56, 13 spontaneous abortions, yet they're not showing those has fatal. 

Psychiatric disorders 6,756, 32 suicidal, none fatal. 

Renal and urinary 1,044, Fatal 1. 

Reproductive and breast disorders, 839, vaginal bleeding 106. 

Respiratory disorders 10,643, Fatal 40. 

Skin disorders 20, 379

Surgical and medical procedures 279, Fatal 1

Vascular disorders 3,662, Fatal 22 


FATAL 421 


As at the 21st March, 2021.

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