
Saturday 13 March 2021


This is just a reminder on the power of Cinnamon for health. Not only for health I also use Cinnamon on my indoor plants and to stop ants inside and outside of the home. A friend shared on-line that during the 1918-9 pandemic, those that worked in a Cinnamon factory were completely protected from the virus. 

It is many years ago when the LORD asked me for Cinnamon whilst I was in the kitchen. He also asked for Glycerine. Both are powerful in protecting the body from foreign invaders. 



On the 19th of March, 2014, the heavenly Father asked for Cinnamon whilst cooking in the kitchen. Then whilst eating my dinner, looking at this red painting, he spoke again and said, "Sad, catalytic event" and "They will cry". 

This is the painting from 2014. I called the painting CINNAMON due to the message received.

From the recent reports on the Astra-Zeneca and Pfizer jabs we know that many people are experiencing blood disorders and blood clots after being injected. The adverse reactions and fatalities are so high in European countries that doctors and scientists are asking for the authorisation for the jabs to be withdrawn.

We also know that the jabs can cause Prion disease and that is infectious.

In the UK to date there has been one fatality from a blood disorder from Pfizer and one from Astra-Zeneca. 1098 blood disorders from Astra-Zeneca, and 2294 blood disorders from Pfizer. Please bear in mind that less than 1% of adverse reactions get reported. 

So are the British Medical Journal and the Evening Standard telling the truth? NO! 

Is W.H.O. telling the truth? NO! Is the European Medicine Agency telling the truth? NO! 

On Tuesday, the EMA said that there had only been 22 reports in the European Economic Area. On the 14th of March they'd updated that to 30. Of course they could be excluding the UK from those figures due to BREXIT. We've had 3392 blood disorder cases reported, it must be the same in other countries.

Due to blood clots found in patients many European countries are now banning the jabs that caused the blood clots. Countries are in breach of the Nuremberg Code. Medical and scientific experimentation on humanity is banned! 

Scripture also warned Christians about piercing the body in the book of Timothy, 1 Timothy 6:10. Your bodies cannot be pierced without your consent. Nor can they pierce your babies bodies without your consent. The responsibility is yours to resist this "crime against humanity". Be aware of the facts, do your own research and has the bible tells you, "do not rely on any man". 

Back to Cinnamon, it is the product of Cinnamomum Zeylanicum, a laurel-like plant widely cultivated in Ceylon and Java. Its fragrant healing oil is obtained from the nut. The bark is used for the spice that we can also buy in powder form. It is great in goats milk and coconut milk. 

In this Hymn it says that the Holy Mother conceived Cinnamon. Clearly, she knew it was important for healing. The Hymn also mentions colour and we know that in Persia dye houses were called the "House of Christ". We know colour healing was an aspect of her sons healing work.

Amongst the people that died of Covid, a very high % of them had diabetes and heart conditions. The Cinnamon spice is known by medical scientists to help both health conditions. In Diabetes it is known to improve Glucose and Lipids of people with Type 2 Diabetes.

It is also great for prevention, for cardiovascular conditions. High Blood Pressure etc.

Cinnamon for the heart. Mystic powers of Cinnamon.

1 comment:

  1. News today that the Irish have stopped jabbing people with Astra-Zeneca due the blood clotting issues in Norway. The people were under the age of 50. A 50-year-old man is also thought to have died in Italy from deep vein thrombosis (DVT), while there has been an unconfirmed report of another death in the country.
