
Friday 19 February 2021


NHS England is a business that sends out invoices. NHS England has been given a large budget to promote and advertise the nanotechnology mRNA. It is illegal in the UK to advertise medications prescribed by medics directly to the consumer. 

Has such Boris and his cronies are breaking British law. So is the American owned Google, YT and FB and all of the British television channels that are airing commercials for any injection. 

So what can you do about it? You can make a complaint to the Advertising Standards Authority on-line in the UK.

You can also report the advertising to YT. Reporting it for being "illegal" in British law. 

In the advertising campaign promoting the jabs; it mentions that "the most widely used vax was developed by a Muslim". The commercial is using that has a USP to get Muslims to take the jab. 


The Guardian shared with us, "The couple who synthesised the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine are both Germans of Turkish Muslim origin".

For Christians that know their bibles, scripture warned about Turkey. Are you paying attention? 

During WW2, the Germans and the Muslims worked together. I have written many times that WW2 never ended, it just went underground to rear it's head again. How is Obama connected to this? He chose a publisher who has their HQ in Germany. Dr Fauci also worked for the Obama administration. 

In America it is legal to advertise prescribed medication directly to the consumer, although it didn't used to be legal in America either. Latest news is that "one-third of the American military service members have opted not to take the jab. The military cannot make it mandatory for the troops because it has only received an only for emergency use and not a full authorisation from the FDA." CNN Politics. 

The Washington Post reported that one military spouse said, "I'm not sure I want to be a guinea pig, and I really don't want my kids to be either". "I want to know the side effects and what can happen in 20 years". 

One third of the American military saying no, aligns with biblical prophecy. "In the whole land, declares the LORD, two thirds will be struck down and perish, yet one-third will be left in it". Zechariah 13:8. 

Some people embraced big pharma whereas I listened to Jesus and embraced nature to improve the change. In January, 2020, the heavenly Father said, "This is my daughter in whom I am well pleased". 

What else has happened? The High Court in England has judged that the British gov acted unlawfully with Covid contracts. Not the first time is it Boris, why haven't you resigned and been sentenced to prison? 

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