
Saturday 20 February 2021


I received a dream during the night. I was on a train to London and going to see a friend. While I was on the train I dosed off and someone had taken my purse. I asked people on the train whether anyone saw who took my handbag and someone replied, "two nogs". 

Then I was with my friend and we were quickly making reports to the police and the bank etc about what had been stolen from me. We were both on the telephone at the same, he was reporting it to the police and I was reporting it to the bank. There weren't any credit cards in my purse, there was only my debit card, driving licence etc. I don't have any credit cards. 

After that we were together walking along the street and I asked him for a cuddle, he began cuddling me and he jokingly said, "you said you wouldn't marry me because I am too tall", I just laughed. He's always saying funny things. 

A very odd dream. 


In dream interpretation having a handbag taken from you is an obstacle dream and it was the nogs that took the handbag. If a person rummages through your handbag then it can indicate that new doors are opening. 

So what is a nog? The name NOG can be found in Star trek movies. Hence the obstacle is likely related to America. Although the Star Trek Convention is being held in London on the 12th-14th of November, 2021.

Police are a symbol of security in your life and can represent unexpected help when they are in a dream. 

Having to make a report to a bank can indicate that you have to be careful and not be careless with your personal belongings.  Using a telephone in a dream can indicate rivalry where you least expect it and we were calling the police and the bank. 

Travel in a dream can indicate an increase in income although the interpretation of the dream has to be correlated with the other aspects of the dream. Travelling can cost you a lot more than you think. 

True friendship in a dream is a straight forward prediction of happy social times with a good companion.  Being with a companion indicates a general improvement in all that concerns you especially if the companion made a major contribution in any aspect of the dream. With us both being on the telephone at the same, we were both taking action together in unison. 

Being cuddled in a dream indicates being comforted by someone who cares for you. 

Anything unusual about the 20th of February? It is the "Day of Impression".  Mercury turned direct into Aquarius today. When the pilot spoke in the dream he was clearly concerned at what impression he had made. That can be a good sign because it means you have kept him on his toes. Big smiles. 

This is the 2nd dream in February with my London buddy in it. The last dream of him was on the 11th and we were with friends we had met on the internet.

So what is happening with the planetary configurations? 

The Sun moved into Pisces on the 18th of February, 2021. That was the day that we won the court case for the baby boy. Saturn and Jupiter is still in Aquarius. Venus is still in Aquarius too until the 25th of February. Mercury is also in Aquarius. 

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