
Sunday 10 January 2021


I've been having dreams of an ancient breed of Italian dog since last year.  The Lagotto Romagnolo. The Italians certainly got a great sniffer dog to hunt for Truffles. 

Certainly a lot is happening. This is Lt Gen Tom McInerney sharing the information on the American election. The case is made that employees at Leonardo, an Italian aerospace, defence and security company have been involved with hacking Dominion machines that were tabulating the votes of the American Presidential election.  Otherwise known has "Cyber Warfare".  

Yesterday, I took at look at Leonardo S.p.A. It was formerly Finmeccanica. Wikipedia share with us that during 2011-2013, Finmeccanica emails were published by Wikileaks and the company was subject to judicial inquiries on several fronts and management changes.

Leonardo took over Marconi in Basildon, England, they operate in 200 different locations worldwide and they have operations in Edinburgh, Scotland too.

The Italian Leonardo CEO "found guilty of fraud".

Italian general, Claudio Graziano was chosen by the EU to lead their military committee. Some have written that he is on the board of Leonardo, but I haven't been able to verify that to my satisfaction.

The American Lt Gen Tom McInerney, also says that they have Pelosi's laptop. Pelosi is furious and I think this is the real reason why FB and Twitter are trying to stop President Trump and his supporters from sharing anything on their platforms.  I've checked the fact checkers, yet, none of them mention this general. Does he have enough credibility for them? Let's see shall we. Interesting that he was born in Maryland. 

This is from the Italian Supreme Court. Professor Alfio D'Urso

The Leonardo office mentioned is in Pescara, in Abruzzo. Interesting. has I flew to that location in 2004, looking for property. Whilst there a bunch of guys joined me for coffee and I was invited to live there. It included a Head Master from a local senior school, and they were very open about being communists. It is a beautiful location with the mountains behind you and the sea in front of you. The Italians view Abruzzo has we do Wales. 

This article includes the Professor's testimony and location of Pescara. This case will certainly put Pescara on the map.

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