
Saturday 9 January 2021


The lovely Donna Page gives us her view of the New Moon in Capricorn. There is also some text with her video on the link, if you are interested to read. With everything that is going on right now, sometimes it is a great idea to just step out of the fray of international goings on and just have some time for yourself. 

I always think of the stability and structure of Capricorn, forward planning with a new moon. Do you have a quarterly plan for your health and nutrition, have you already decided upon it and have you already begun. Always remember how important your health is to the stability of your life. Even when young, it has to be taken seriously because lifestyle choices can have a long term impact, and your health is your greatest wealth. 

How do you intend to improve your life this year, what improvements would you like to make to your life? What is your life plan for this year? This is the time to plan it and begin it for the structural improvements of your life. Do you have a plan to move location, start a new business, start a new career or relationship, what is your hearts desire and how will you reach it? 

I used to say to clients? What is your dream? Now paint or draw your dream. It is amazing how many people don't actually think about what their dream is, without a dream how can you develop a plan for how you will achieve it? Many people tend to drift through life, I did too for many years of my life. 

Then the time came to trust that I was being divinely guided and to always trust in the directions and instructions that I was being given. Sometimes things don't always work out the way that you would like them too. Usually, there is a very important reason for that. 

It is important to be in harmonic concordance with the divine plan of your soul, for we all have a pre-destination. There is divine intervention and there is divine will. Ask yourselves are you coming from human will or divine will? If you choose divine will then ask and wait until you are shown or told divinely. 

2021 is a five year and that is a year for practice makes perfect. For the practical aspects of your life, especially with this New Moon. We all have to be willing to make changes. So for instance just before Christmas I had to get another computer. 

Today, I discovered that the computer screen doesn't have a camera, and the photo's stored on my previous computer haven't moved over to this computer. If they hadn't been downloaded and logged into a folder or on my desktop. I now have to decide on how I shall photograph paintings that are larger than A4 (because I have a scanner for A4 and smaller). Practical application. 

The 13th of January is the "Day of Upward Mobility", so it is certainly not about standing still. It does require action, as positive has you can make it on this New Moon. 

Anyway, enough of my thoughts on this, have a listen to Donna Page. 

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