
Thursday 28 January 2021

Sir Desmond Swayne -v- Covid Agenda

Sir Desmond Swayne is correct. I've seen it with my own eyes last night. It was divine providence that I had to take a neighbour to A&E last night. It took 20 minutes for him to be in and out of A&E for a cut thumb. There was one ambulance standing outside and at least two police cars. 

There were only ten people in A&E and the rest of the hospital was in complete darkness. Prior to the lockdowns we could wait up to four hours just to be seen by a doctor at our local hospital. 

Now, in Ireland, Professor Delores Cahill is helping families to sue doctors for "Medical Malpractice", she said that doctors are being paid more to put Covid on a death certificate when the fact is that their family member did not die of Covid. 

I found an interesting article from 2012 today featured in the Daily Telegraph. The headline reads, "Hospitals paid millions to put patients on the death pathway". 

In the case of death certificates, doctors can also have their license to practice removed from them. The same with deaths and adverse reactions to mRNA gene technology being implemented by the medical profession. Come clean or don't come at all, tell the people the truth or get sued for "Medical Malpractice" 

Doctors around the world are telling the people not to get the mRNA gene technology put into their bodies. Professor Delores Cahill also said that during the trials 50% of the mice died afterwards. 

Five German lawyers are bringing a class action lawsuit against W.H.O. too. 

So stand in integrity or get out of the way. The truth is known and will set you free. 

Today's news is that the Oxford mRNA made by Astra-Zeneca has been blocked in Germany for the over 65's. 

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