
Thursday 28 January 2021


A woman that bought a large house from me was in the dream and she was showing me some new carpet that she was putting into the long hallways in the house. The carpet had stripes and it was a very thick quality carpet. 

I then saw a large picture of the colour lavender, and then a vision of our Lady Diana dressed in a lavender suit and box hat. 

In dream interpretation to dream of carpet in good condition is a symbol of good luck. When I first saw the lavender I thought of the healing fragrance of lavender oil, a healing day for yours truly with Princess Diana looking on in her healing colour. 

A dream of artists paint signifies important changes coming to be, I do like to paint, it is very relaxing. I've experienced a spiritual connection with Princess Diana since her passing, there are times when she pops in and out of my life letting me know she's still on this journey on the planet with me. England is blessed to call her our own. She liked the esoteric aspects of my life and being able to communicate whenever she chooses to do so. Diana loved to travel with yours truly and she has certainly been loved by our people. 

So what is important about today? 28th January, it is the full moon in Leo today. It is my son's birthday and the "day of outstanding achievements". 

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