
Friday 29 January 2021


Mercury retrograde begins tomorrow in Aquarius. So I'm sharing a link to the Old Farmer's Almanac, a little bit of insight into what to be aware of in your life during this transit. "For Aquarians, relationships, friendships are put at risk. It is a time when there can be petty squabbles, misunderstandings and miscommunications. Know who your friends are".

How does your garden grow? 

When Mercury is retrograde there are often technology, mechanical and electronic issues in my life. So for instance today my body cam arrived and I've had to order a sound card prior to use. The sound card was nearly has expensive as the body cam itself.  However, my intuition tells me that it is essential to have it in this timeline of the last days of the end times. I'm looking forward to doing some filming with it in 2021. 

This Mercury retrograde begins tomorrow and ends on the 20th of February, 2021. 

It begins at 26 degrees of Aquarius, divine providence that 26 is the gematria for the name of God. The 30th of January is also the "Day of Communications". 

A little more upon it to help people to become more aware of the planetary influences that can impact upon your lives at this time. I don't stop doing what I have to do during a mercury retrograde, this Aquarian is just more mindful, more cautious and more aware of the energetic influences.

Interesting that politicians have come up with a new term for people that they disagree with, people that refuse to implement the government policy and guidelines of their Covid agenda.  They now call people who share the truth "influencers". I've noticed that people that support the lockdowns and the government propaganda are on the internet to defend their position. 

They call you all the names under the sun when you offer them an alternative reality and share the facts.  However, know this, they can't climb Elijah's mountain and that is where Jesus took his closest companions. Hence there is nothing to be afraid of when you live in the heart of integrity. Forewarned is forearmed, is a great motto and I utilised it in my business life and careers. 

That's how I think and feel about the transits of time, they are a part of life and existence. It is how you respond to existence that matters, how you view it and your life. Aware Aquarians have a panoramic view of reality, and humanity. We can be philosophical when we have to be for our own existence or when we are helping others to work through the different transits, phases of their lives and or initiations of life. 2021 has a year is a very physical year, being a year of 5. 

It is a year to concentrate on your physical reality, what you do with your body this year will impact upon next year. The present creates the future. 

Although on the 13th of February, I will be entering a 4 year in my life cycle. 13 also adds up to four and it can be a great numeric to have in your life. 

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