
Thursday 28 January 2021


"Pulse Today", Exclusive report that GPs will be paid £12.58 per Covid jab administered - but will only receive the payment after the second of two doses. Some GP leaders argued it was GPs "moral duty to take part". 

That means they get paid £25 per patient, in a surgery of 8,000 patients the GP could earn £200,000. 

1. Financial Incentive. 

2. Morality questioned if a doctor stands against the jabs. 

In response to the article people are complaining that they won't get paid unless patients take the second dose.

Germany has blocked Astra-Zeneca for the over 65s today. There are also class actions lawsuits being brought against W.H.O. by German Consumer Protection Lawyers and Medical Lawyers. In Ireland, Dr Delores Cahill is helping families to sue doctors for "Medical Malpractice". 50% of the mice died after receiving the injections in the trials. Cahill also made it clear that the mRNA jabs are not vaccines, it is far more serious than that. 

So what does the bible say? "Do not accept a bribe". Exodus 23:8. 

"Now let the fear of the LORD be on you. Judge carefully, for with the LORD our God there is no injustice or partiality, or bribery". 2 Chronicles 19:7. 

You can appreciate why some of the American Catholic clergy stand against the jabs, so do the Greek clergy stand against the jabs and the wearing of masks. 

Boris and his cohorts should go to prison for his "Crimes against humanity". 

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