
Saturday 2 January 2021


On the 18th of December I had a dream of a hospital and the dream interpretation said that some surprising news was coming. So I have been on the look out for anything that is important related to health and hospitals.

University College, London (otherwise known as UCH where I was born), share medical research that heat makes cancer cells vulnerable to treatment.

This is not the first time that I have posted a blog post on the power of heat treatment for health. Get in the sauna, many reasons why. The only precaution that I am aware of is for people with diabetes or high blood pressure, then you have to get advice/permission from your doc.

"What medicines do not heal, the lance will, what the lance cannot heal, fire will". Hippocrates

Got space for a sauna? In February 2020, I felt compelled to book into a hotel for a sauna, steam room and a swim. After that I bought a sauna-steamer and I made space in my home for it.  I re-arranged my home to house the sauna, so that I can access it every day if and when I would like too do so for my health. My priority is health, holistic health and healing. 

In my younger years I would go to the gym for a work out, then the sauna afterwards. These days I stretch my back and limbs on the inversion table, stretch my muscles off the inversion table, massage my body and sauna/steamer. 

While looking at Lagotto dogs recently, I received the divine message, 'AVE LENTO',     translated it means 'bird slowly". It reminded me of Lent and Lent begins on the 17th February, 2021 this year. A buddy in London was born in the year of the bird, and he has a rockstar year this year. Whereas I have a trailblazer year in 2021. 


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