
Saturday 2 January 2021


On the 29th of December, 2020 while watching dog videos I received this message. 


I asked for a translation of it and it means "BIRD SLOWLY`". 

So how about 2021? This Aquarian has a trailblazing year and so does my Aquarian son. My buddy in London has a Rockstar year so interesting that the rock stars are launching anti-lockdown, anti-virus narrative and anti-vaccine songs. First it was Van Morrison in 2020, now Iggy Pop in January 2021. It makes me wonder who will be next. Our rockstars have seen it all, been there, done it, and got the tee-shirt. Big smiles! 

So what are you drinking? I'm drinking lots of water. Yes, water. Horses and dogs like water. Although many Brits are reporting experiencing "insomnia". Some are calling it "Lockdown Insomnia". Last night I had three hours sleep prior to waking up again, the night before it was two hours sleep. 

If you have a rockstar year then it is really important that you talk, share, public speaking etc so Libra on the cusp of Scorpio you know what you have to do. 2021 is a great year for all of the air signs. 

I will be in a 4 year and that usually includes metaphysics. My Aquarian son will be in a 2 year after his birthday in January and that is great for partnerships.  My Libra buddy is still in a 9 year of divine love until October 2021. Although the signs are that 2021 will be a far better year for him than 2020 was. 

So continue to soak up this divine love for you and love beyond measure. I will continue to pray for you with our other friends. I hope that you are still listening to my healing voice. 

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