
Friday 15 January 2021


In the recent "Trailer Dream", a poster of one of the Franklin's was in the trailer. I called the dream the "Trailer Dream" because it was a most prominent aspect in the dream.

Today, Franklin Graham is in a BREITBART news report calling out the ten Republicans that supported an impeachment of President Trump.

While listening to the different hearings, after Arizona, Jesus spoke about the behaviour of the Liberal Democrat Party and he said, "Grievous Harm". When he spoke those words, it was long before the siege of the Capitol by Liberal Democrat operatives from BLM and Antifa. If you cross reference the word "Grievous" in different bible translations you will find it in the book of Timothy and it specifies that it is a sign of the last days. Has in the last days of the end times. 

Jesus titled this painting LAST DAYS in February, 2019. It is A3 in size. 

Also in the dream of the trailer with the poster in it, they were selling double glazing. My son and his friend were also in the beginning of the trailer dream and it is no coincidence that I visited my son yesterday. Then on the way home the windscreen of my car was hit by a stone for the second time and now I have to get a new car windscreen for my red car. At the end of the day, it was a very expensive visit. 

I do think that it is relative to the timing of this and the dream received. The American, Franklin Graham and I are the same generation, although coming from different cultures we are very different.  

Just heard that in America they're offering $200 to people to take the Covid vaccine. The integrity of our body is just has important has election integrity. The genuine spiritually elect will certainly not take the vaccine. Our love is not for sale, our bodies are not for sale! 

President Trump has said that the new vaccines are a miracle. I respectfully have to disagree with him on that one.  Has I have seen and heard the evidence that proves that they can be fatal. People are now being admitted to hospital after taking the vaccine due to the harm caused by it.

Some people have also died after receiving the vaccine and in the case of the doctor from Florida, he experienced internal bleeding prior to having a stroke and dying.  The vaccine impacted upon his brain and his spine. No vaccine is 100% safe, and all vaccines impact upon the brain. 

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